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Don't use alcohol to ovorceme a problem because it could become a habit and being even slightly drunk is surely the last impression you want to make unless your relatives are alcoholics. Be your sober self and if that's not good enough for them then ;who cares?


This site is like a classroom, ecexpt I don't hate it. lol

Jo Bertinet

Dear John
Thanks for giving us all such a fun evening at The Bertinet Kitchen. We have had so many people comment on what a great evening it was and lots of reports of guests going on to cook your recipes for themselves. We wish you the very best for the future.
Richard & Jo Bertinet

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  • Onsale
    I'm occasionally out and about promoting The Vodka Cookbook (published in association with Smirnoff Vodka). Watch this space for photos from my various publicity adventures. You've heard of reality television? Well this is the same thing...only slower and less interesting.

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