Pineapple Vodka was among my Mom’s favourite drinks. We used to frequent a well-known Boston eatery where they would keep an enormous glass vat on the bar filled with pineapple and Russian vodka. They would simply strain the pineapple vodka over ice into a martini glass with a pineapple wedge as a garnish. Cheers Mom.
450g (1lb) fresh pineapple, trimmed and chopped
1 litre (1.75 pints) vodka
4 tablespoons Vodka Simple Syrup (see page 129, The Vodka Cookbook), optional
1. Add fruit to a large airtight jar.
2. Pour in vodka (and Vodka Simple Syrup if you like it sweet). Seal jar and store at room temperature for about 2 weeks.
3. Pass through cheesecloth into a bottle -- ready for use.